Get a Good Chair Now !

Let me tell you, it’s not useless as you can guess, I had the same thought until my back pain showed up and that pain doesn’t go away until now. From back pain to neck pain, and even butt pain….I sometimes see myself coding for more than 8 hours, and sitting on an inappropriate chair didn’t help.
Ego is your enemy

Ego is your enemy Everyone is different, so do I. I would like to share another perspective other than ourself.
Sometimes, we look at ourself like “gods”, and this arrogance can be fatal for you and others. Trying to be the winner at all cost. Me. Me and Me. Ego wants us to feel special and we omit other people around us. But let me tell you, every single person has a story to tell; you might be very successful, or you might be not.
I’ve created my first Golang module

I’ve created my first Golang module I’ve been coding for several years now, and I’ve always been interested in “SPEED”. Golang was among the elitists, so I’ve tried it out. The Flash I’ve spent a few weeks to get some gist of it; through data structures and algorithms, thanks to Jon Calhoun courses.
And now is the time to shine!
How it started A few months ago, I came across a package in PHP, mostly used in Laravel Framework, it is called InertiaJS.
Versioning an API endpoint

Versioning an API endpoint Using an API is great, but what happens when your business already has clients, and your product communicates via an API, what should you do to evolve your API?
Whether it’s a server-to-server, or an app-to-server communication, the best way to evolve your APIs is to version them, this will help you to prevent breaking changes between the communication, and believe me, you don’t want to have angry clients knocking at your door.