Hacktoberfest 2018! The festival of Pull Requests.


Today is the 1st of October for coders around the world it’s a great month. The month of Pull Requests.

Every year, Digital Ocean and Github collaborate to make Hacktoberfest, a festival in which everyone contributes to an open-source project and you get a Hacktoberfest T-shirt. In my early blog post, I’ve talked about GitHub, and how we can start on our journey on the versioning system world, you can read it here.

I’ve contributed to some basic projects, because “hey… I’m busy”! But there was one which caught my attention, it was a repo about creating a Chrome Extension. Here is my pull request.

I remember back then, I was taught by Codarren Velvindron during a MoHack event in Mauritius about Chrome Extensions. It was awesome to learn about this and this Hacktoberfest came at the right time for me to put in evidence what’ve learned.

Maybe you are wondering how can you contribute to a project, right?

Well, it’s simple.

Check out the website of Hacktoberfest, and connect your GitHub account to it, it will sync every pull request you do with this event. Thus, you will own a Hackoberfest T-shirt.

A second thing to do now, search for projects tagged with hacktoberfest on it. When you’ve chosen the repo you are interested in. Make a “fork” of it, this will make a copy of this repo for your own use.

Follow it by a git clone of the repo in your directory and start to make changes, commit and git push it. But it is not done yet. Now you can go back on the website and make a pull request to say that you want your changes to be saved in this person’s repo.

And now you are done! Don’t forget to share this post after you made your first pull request and make this festival awesome!